The processions return to La Laguna, with COVID measures

The City Council of La Laguna has issued a statement approving the holding of processions on public roads, but as long as the control measures established to stop the pandemic are complied with.

The decision entails adjusting the norms and recommendations of the health authorities to this type of religious acts that take place in spaces of municipal ownership, enhancing prevention mechanisms before and during their development, as reported this Friday by the municipal corporation.

Both the mayor, Luis Yeray Gutiérrez, and the party councilor, Badel Albelo, emphasize that through this instance, signed by the local councilor, “we recover these solemnities so deeply rooted in the traditions of our neighborhoods and towns with all the guarantees of security, so we managed to recover them effectively after the stoppage caused by the health crisis ”.

The mayor emphasizes that, as “health must prevail, the local corporation will act accordingly” to ensure respect for the protocol predetermined by the State and the Canary Government, so that the side requires “the minimum obligations” that have to be attended to in order to carry out this type of event.

Badel Albelo recalls that the improvement in the epidemiological situation in Tenerife, which has led to a relaxation of restrictive measures against COVID-19, has been accompanied by the resolution of the Canarian Federation of Municipalities (Fecam) in which it establishes that the Processions “are not considered a mass event (because they do not exceed 750 people).

“As before they did not enjoy this qualification, since the health crisis began they have had to be suspended for security reasons, but now, thanks to these two factors, we can recover them,” he highlights.

To do this, he explains that, once the Fecam report was received on October 27, “from the area we have been working intensely to adapt these religious acts to current legislation, for which we also held a meeting with the episcopal vicar of La Laguna, Juan Antonio Guedes, and with the Vicar General of the Nivariense Diocese, Antonio Pérez Morales ”.

From that work this side was born, in which the dates, places, itineraries and times of the celebrations that are planned between now and the end of the year are collected.

The first appointments set for the remainder of the year will take place in San Diego, on Saturday the 13th and Sunday of November.

In the instance, in addition, the norms and recommendations to be fulfilled by the organization and attendees are remembered and among the requirements collected is the obligation to communicate the processions with a minimum of 10 days in advance, in order to carry out the pertinent inspections and controls.

The population will be clearly informed of the need to wear a mask and to respect the safety distance.

Due to the nature of the events, it is decided to limit the route and that the bands are located in the squares of the parishes, separated from the public.

Narrow streets should be avoided and, for journeys on pedestrian paths, a special device will be reinforced with the help of Civil Protection or the Local Police, in order to guarantee compliance with preventive measures.

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