According to the data extracted from the audit carried out, it can be seen that the Santiago Consistory “complies with the main indicators of economic and financial sanitation”. Specifying them, the mayor also highlights that the Santiago del Teide municipal administration closed the year 2020 “reaching a Net Savings indicator of 8.4%”, with a minimum of over 6% being established.
In his analysis, he stops at the data corresponding to the heading called long-term indebtedness, which in the case of the Santiago del Teide City Council “stands at zero percent.” The norm determines that the limit of this economic parameter should not exceed 70%.
Emilio Navarro also refers to the result that appears in the section that the audit of the Canarian Municipal Financing Fund dedicates to the Remaining of Treasury for General Expenses. At this point, the mayor emphasizes that “it stands at 128.6%.” The threshold that is established for this magnitude has to be greater than one percent.
The conclusion it conveys is that the Santiago del Teide City Council «presents a positive evolution regarding its economic and financial management above the required levels ”. As a most notable example of the result of the management in this sense, he refers to the “most important indicator”, such as the Remaining Treasury, “which accumulates all outstanding balances, both to be collected and to be paid, as well as the resulting cash of the economic activity that has been taking place in this and in all previous years, being able to verify its decrease with respect to the previous year ”.
Emilio Navarro stresses that the municipal government he presides over will maintain the management line that generates these results. In fact, the different councils are already working on preparing the Consistory’s budget for next year.