Podemos Canarias has issued a statement this Wednesday in which it assures that it will not “accelerate” the replacement of the “seat taken” from Alberto Rodríguez and will approach this process “with responsibility and transparency.”
The purple formation indicates that “the popular will of the Canarian people” will be enforced, respecting the right to “legitimate defense” of Alberto Rodríguez and the will of the companions who accompanied him on the United We Can electoral board.
Along these lines, they clarify that Fátima González and Patricia Mesa – numbers two and three on the list – have not materialized their resignation before the Central Electoral Board and there is only one personal public statement that González made on their social networks, “which no form can be considered an official resignation. “
Likewise, they indicate that “there is no public and express record” of Patricia Mesa’s determination and it is the will of Podemos “to scrupulously respect the time and the decision of the companion.”
The fourth person on the electoral list, María del Cristo González, like the two previous people, has not received any communication from the Electoral Board.
“The replacement in the seat of Alberto Rodríguez is not a decision that should be made exclusively by this political formation but depends on several personal decisions that we understand must be considered given the magnitude of the matter,” they point out.
Therefore, from Podemos they state that when the time comes it will be communicated “publicly and officially” which partner will assume the seat, assuming the “alteration” that assuming a deputy act can represent to the personal and professional life of a person “who lives in Canary Islands, almost 2,000 kilometers from Congress “.