The Güímar City Council approved yesterday – only the former councilor for Urbanism, the socialist Beatriz Perdomo, abstained – the request for the authorization of discharges provided for in the plan of stages approved by the three municipalities of the Valley and the Insular Water Council. It is the third time that the plan of stages has arrived at the Güimarero Plenary and, this time, out of urgency, given that the General Directorate for the Fight Against Climate Change and the Environment gave it 10 days after requiring it on the 21st to correct the deficiencies of the procedure, in the face of the threat that the authorization in the Polygon will expire.
The extraordinary plenary session requested by the PP was held at noon, in which they requested information about the extra cost of the emergency works in Santa Lucía and Las Bajas, among other issues. Luisa Castro (PP) denounced the lack of transparency due to the refusal to receive information and the six popular councilors left the plenary session.

Candelaria approves the plaza project
The Ordinary Plenary of Candelaria unanimously approved the project to remodel the Plaza de la Basílica and its surroundings, which has been drawn up by the Cabildo de Tenerife. A work that, in the words of the accidental mayor, Jorge Baute, “is a very important action for the municipality and in which we have been working for a long time all the administrations involved.”
Economic matters centered the first points of the Plenary, where matters such as the delinquency report, the average payment period and compliance with the principles of Budget Stability, Spending Rule and Public Debt corresponding to the third quarter of fiscal year 2021 were discussed. , the report of the average payment period of the City Council and all the dependent bodies stands at 29.50 days.
In addition, in economic matters and in the emergency section, the general account of the City Council for 2020 was debated, in which the good financial health of the Consistory stands out and that it was definitively approved with the votes of the PSOE and the abstentions of the rest of the groups that make up the Plenary.
Likewise, María Concepción Brito, as head, and Cecilia Otazo, as alternate, were appointed as municipal representative in the Governing Council of the Land Sector SUSO C2 of Punta Larga.
The Plenary rejected the motion presented by the Mixed group on the development of the project and the execution of the expansion works on La Capitana Street, in Igueste, as it is an urbanization in which the owners are the ones who must carry out the work. In the event that the City Council executed them, it would have to reverse them through contributions to the owners.
Finally, the Plenary took note of the resignation of Pedro Manuel Pérez Viña as mayor of Ciudadanos, who said goodbye to his colleagues from the Corporation. As of the next plenary session, the young lawyer Marta Plasencia will replace him.