The achievement of the largest possible amount of the so-called Next Generation funds of the European Union, is behind the profound remodeling to which the mayor, José Manuel Bermúdez, will submit the different areas of Government. Sustainability and mobility are the axes on which the financing from Europe moves, therefore, grouping the municipal powers under these two premises, will allow, according to the mayor, to start from a better position to get the money available, as well as to carry carry out a more effective management of them.
This remodeling, which is still being defined, with the aim of approving it in the plenary session tomorrow, will not mean a change in the proper names, but rather “a reorganization with powers that pass from one area to another”, reducing the number of areas within the municipal government group, according to Bermúdez in statements to COPE Tenerife.
The mayor explained that the reason for the change is “to manage Next Generation European funds, since we are looking for the best possible organization to spend them on time and in the most appropriate way.”
According to municipal sources, there will be several councilors who will see their competences modified, losing some and winning others, so there will be no major differences with the work they are developing at the moment. Areas such as the Environment, Economic Promotion or Public Services are some of those that will undergo changes. While others will not be affected by not falling under the umbrella of the strategic lines marked by the European Union as fundamental.
In the interview granted to the COPE chain, the mayor also addressed different points of the present time, such as the realization of activities in the street such as Plenilunio or Christmas, about which he said that there are still unknowns. As for the arrival of the Kings, which coincides with a Tenerife match, he advanced that the welcoming ceremony is being moved to Puerto de Santa Cruz.
With regard to the cancellation of the capital gains tax, he pointed out that “the only thing I hope is that the sentence is not retroactive, because with the cancellation, the budget we are preparing is out of square.” He insisted on the need for the Canary Islands Government to adequately finance the Canarian capitals, and failing that, to invest directly in the city ”.