The shadow area joins thethe commissioning during the summer months of a new assisted bathing platform, with two lifeguards, an amphibious vehicle and a crane, which was active in July and August, also as a reinforcement of the assisted bathing of Las Vistas beach, where 40 performances are carried out per day. Although the assisted bathing resort of Los Cristianos is carried out only in the summer season, it is prepared so that, when in Las Vistas it cannot be offered by yellow flag, it can be transferred to the beach of the bay, guaranteeing the service during all the days of the year. To these two novelties we must add the installation of a new toilet for users of Los Cristianos, with adapted bathrooms.
These improvements will allow the implementation of quality, environmental and universal accessibility certifications in the Los Cristianos beach in the near future, so that Arona will have two certified beaches with these awards of excellence in the provision of public services, since Las Vistas beach already has this distinction. It should be borne in mind that Las Vistas is already one of the most important public assisted bathing platforms in the sea for people with mobility problems in all of Europe, to which a new one is now being added on Los Cristianos beach.
The Arona City Council is betting on giving a powerful boost to the municipality’s public spaces, especially the coastline. Los Cristianos beach was joined in recent weeks by the improvement of access to La Ballenita beach, in Costa del Silencio, with the placement of a new stair-ramp, as well as a wooden solarium. The Consistory is also working to equip Playa Honda, one of the areas most visited by surfers, with platforms and showers.
The mayor of Arona, José Julián Mena, highlights that “the new shaded area on the beach of Los Cristianos, measuring 120 square meters, was one of the historical demands of our municipality and will mean a leap in quality and modernization in the excellence of our public spaces and, above all, the coast of Arona. Las Vistas already had it and it has had a huge impact, and a great demand for having the assisted bathroom service to its credit, the same one that was launched this summer in Los Cristianos and Las Galletas, consolidating Arona as a benchmark in accessibility at national and European level, both for residents and visitors with functional diversity ”.
“Continuous work”
The Councilor for the Environment, Modernization and Public Services, Leopoldo Díaz Oda, affirms that “from the area they are carrying out continuous modernization work on our coastline and our public spaces. Added to this is the tender for coastal management, with improvements such as the creation of a digital monitoring system of the coastline, which will provide information for understanding and monitoring different coastal processes, as well as facilitating, in real time, the density of users continuously in Las Vistas and Los Cristianos, thus improving the management of the beaches and their resources.
For the Councilor for Tourism, José Alberto Delgado, “everything that is improving the services of our beaches, such as the new shaded area or the toilets, or reinforcing the accessible bathroom service, is essential to continue offering our neighbors and visitors quality beaches, so that Arona continues to be a benchmark ».