Agents of the National Police have arrested three people, a man and two women of Italian nationality between 23 and 59 years old who are in charge of a cannabis club, as alleged perpetrators of a crime against public health.
The agents found several people in the club, including 6 minors between the ages of 15 and 17 who allegedly had consumed narcotic substances previously acquired in the same place without being members of the club.
The events began when national police received several calls from citizens regarding a violent individual who was wandering the street threatening pedestrians and had entered a cannabis club.
The agents entered the club and identified the man and observed a group of people, including several minors, who were not members.
In addition, they showed obvious signs of having been consuming narcotic substances that, allegedly, they could have acquired at the club.
Given these events, the agents initially detained two relatives who were in charge of the cannabis club and intervened 630 euros in fractional currency, more than 400 grams of marijuana, 300 grams of hashish and 150 rolled cigarettes or ‘joints’ ready for consumption .
Subsequently, a third person, a 23-year-old Italian woman also related to the legal structure of the cannabis club, was arrested for the same events.
The national policemen handed over the six minors to their relatives, who were informed of the details of the police intervention in relation to their children.
The facts were brought to the attention of the competent judicial authority through the statement made for this purpose.
The actions have been carried out by national police officers from the South Tenerife National Police Station.