The Governing Council of the Canary Islands approved this Thursday an item of 1,614,345.27 euros as an expandable credit in the capital transfers chapter of the Ministry of Tourism, Industry and Commerce.
These funds will be used for the rehabilitation of the Delgado Oramas house, in the municipality of San Juan de la Rambla, in Tenerife.
In this decision, it has been considered that the maintenance and sustainability of the tourist competitiveness of the Canary Islands in the international market requires a constant process of renovation and modernization of tourist infrastructures, prioritizing the creation of efficient, accessible, aesthetic spaces in line with the environmental environment.
In response to this requirement, the City Council of San Juan de la Rambla requests financing for the execution of an action that it considers a priority for the improvement of the tourist image, protection and conservation of the heritage of the municipality of San Juan de la Rambla, such as the rehabilitation of the Delgado Oramas house, an action whose budget amounts to a total amount of 1.6 million euros.
For this reason, and for economic reasons, the Governing Council approved the creation of a specific item in chapter 7 of capital transfers that allows the execution of this new tourism action proposed by the San Juan de la Rambla City Council, given that strictly complies with the objectives of the budget program of the Ministry of Tourism, Industry and Commerce.
The house of the Delgado Oramas family, located opposite the old Alhóndiga, dates from the third quarter of the 18th century.
According to the report presented by the City Council, of all the houses from the 18th century, this is the one that has undergone the least changes inside, so it is practically preserved in its primitive structure.
The house is in an advanced state of deterioration, caused by the lack of maintenance and conservation, so the works to be carried out will consist of the recovery of the building, preserving and recovering the original state at all times.
Therefore, those constructions that have been made recently will be eliminated and they will be repaired with the replacement of the elements that are not recoverable in the rest of them.
The execution period of the projected works will be 24 months. The proposed government agreement aims to provide sufficient economy to be able to address 100% of the cost of the action called Rehabilitation of the Delgado Oramas House, taking into account the tourist interest of the building.