Mayor, you hear very little about new social housing in this municipality …
Well, next will be the year of public social housing in Santiago del Teide. It is a necessity to root the youth and respond to families in difficult situations, to call them in some way. The Government of the Canary Islands will build 17 homes in Arguayo, the City Council gave the Regional Executive municipal land in Puerto de Santiago for a score of officially protected homes and we have requested the subsidy to build another 10 on a plot of Arguayo. It is a remarkable advance, but it will always be insufficient. It is a line of work that we will not abandon.
A municipality with these characteristics must have a housing stock in a special situation. Will the new planning answer that question?
The General Plan will solve many of the problems that the municipality has today. It is true that there are many homes that remain in a situation of out of order, but yes, we are going to solve that with the new planning.
During the summer there was talk of the dust that flooded part of the hull from the work of the insular ring. Resolved?
For now, yes. We came to demand the stoppage due to a public health issue but, as a result of that, they apply a different system that generates some dust, but not those annoyances.
Speaking of worrisome issues, has the problem of discharges to the sea been channeled?
I remember that in the last legislature the emissaries and the pumping stations created difficulties. We are working on it and it is not that everything is resolved, but we are with the discharge authorizations, the stations are all up to date and we have some work left at some point to solve the issue.
The General Plan of Santiago del Teide has been kicking for years. Are there advances?
It is meeting the deadlines. In November we will present the first document, in which it marks the fundamental lines. Santiago del Teide is going to change its economic model conditioned by the opening of the northern section of the island ring. That will change a lot the helmet and the mediocrity. In the lower zone, taking into account that the coast is clogged, we have to order growth upwards and ensure the five-star tourism model. Another premise in this strip is the rolling axis to remove traffic to the Fonsalía branch, in Guía de Isora. But that requires the Alcalá bypass.
He says that the economic model changes. How?
Diversifying, we do not want dependence on tourism. It is true that the primary sector is declining, but that is why we work hard providing support to any subsector, within the few powers that the City Council has. We provide dynamization through actions, money in the form of help and advice in the procedures that they require. Much work remains to be done in this field. But we are clear that tourism is today the base, which generates economy and employment.
There is diversity there: sun and beach and ecotourism in the middle.
Yes. The sun and beach client generates wealth on the coast, but ecotourism contributes to development in the upper area and leads us to rescue powerful resources for that product, such as an era that we are recovering or the settlement that we have just discovered and that we keep it hidden for study, of course.
Masca resurfaces. What are your expectations about it?
I read that the jetty is going to be put out to tender. I hope one day comes along and it starts working. At the moment, the trail does not generate much activity, to say nothing. When the activity begins with the Los Gigantes marina, once the jetty is in, and the regulation is applied, it will be time to assess.
Has the 2022 budget process started?
It remains to define nuances of the Personnel chapter, revenues will not change significantly and we are not going to wait for state budgets. All areas have already submitted their proposals and it’s time to start putting scissors (smiles). There are fundamental aspects, such as investment in a time as complicated as the current one, and the social area, understanding by such not only emergency aid, but also generating employment. Hence, the investment acquires more relevance at this time.
Does it look like it will be similar to the previous budget?
The income is maintained and we do not know the level of the resources that will come from the State.
Santiago del Teide entered a pandemic approaching full employment. Optimistic?
In March 2020 we were at 5.6%, now it seems that the recovery is beginning. Last week the last hotel that was closed in the municipality opened. Occupancy from the 12th is between 65% and 70%. That will activate trade and, with it, employment. Now we are at 17% that we are trying to fight, too, with programs and training, a key aspect at this time.
What has changed in the once bustling Local Police?
Security in Santiago del Teide is going to take a leap with the incorporation of eight agents. It is a matter that we take as a priority.
Does the senior center require a little attention?
Not only will it be the subject of an update, but the current floor plan will be redefined and expanded. The purpose is to double the number of places, going from 24 to 48, build one more height and create the day center.
The coast of this municipality has potential. But there is a great challenge: mobility.
We are working on projects in this line and we are about to put out to tender some. Only in its drafting we will invest about 800,000 euros, which means about 20 million investment in execution of works.
Which ones are about?
This is the case of the Lerme ravine, in Los Gigantes, which is very important for solving the Los Gigantes car park problem. Or the Plaza de Puerto de Santiago, for which we have the money and for which we will shortly put out to tender the drafting of the project. We have already carried out some actions, but we have to open Santiago del Teide to the sea.
This is the case of the La Vigilia area, of Puerto de Santiago …
Yes. We created a recreational area for the whole family with commercial development from which we hope the new nearby stores will be contagious. Now we have to move forward with more projects, as in La Hondura and in Punta Negra, in Playa de La Arena. We have money for the drafting of these projects, as well as for the imminent award of an intervention of 400,000 euros that will give a facelift in front of Playa de La Arena …
You have said that for there an ambitious project …
We are waiting to solve some questions with the Directorate General of the Coast and the Sea to be able to tender it. All of this we are talking about, with the connection of Calle El Sol with Caleta Jurado, mobility will change on the coast of Santiago del Teide and will invite more the pedestrian, to take a walk, to eliminate the car on the surface.
Something for the mediocrity?
In Tamaimo we have the funeral parlor and the gymnasium up and running, and to face the first phase next year we are drafting the project for the basic networks on Manuel Gorrín avenue and the main road, plus the sidewalk. It will be about five million. In Arguayo we are completing a performance of a million and a half renovating the avenue, the Alfarero Center and the Candelaria square and street, and for the Valley, we are ready to begin the work of the cultural center this year and we are working on the Masca shuttle.
Consisting of…?
The picnic area will be moved backwards and its current space will become that shuttle, with 188 seats on the surface. In the center of the case will be the urban park and at the southern entrance of the town itself there will be a third park, but linked to tourism.