The report Considerations on the maritime connection of the three Green Islands with Tenerife was prepared by the Committee of Ports and Coasts of the Ciccp and dates from this month. It indicates that the traffic problems around this town “are not caused by the port, but by the urban uses of the area.” The users of the port area “are the victims of the traffic in the area and not the cause of the problem.” This is determined by the College of Engineers based on detailed traffic studies carried out in the area by the Cabildo and the projection of activity in the port itself. The problem of mobility chaos is located in this analysis at the junctions of the southern roundabout of the Los Cristianos link, the roundabout of Chayofita avenue (La Fuente) and the intersection of Chayofita avenue with Finland street. Therefore, it is necessary to “solve the traffic problem on Chayofita Avenue and the connection with the TF-1.”
In its conclusions, the College of Civil Engineers, Channels and Ports establishes that moving inter-island maritime traffic to the Port of Granadilla represents an increase of 3,237 hours of navigation per year regarding the use of the Los Cristianos pier. That means traveling 104,500 more nautical miles per exercise. “This increase in travel is equivalent to 4.8 times the planet Earth around the Equator per year.”
This is reflected in the same document which indicates that the navigation distance would increase by almost 70% from La Gomera and 22% from El Hierro and La Palma. By road, the journey to Santa Cruz de Tenerife is reduced by 12 minutes from the Granadilla Industrial Park compared to Los Cristianos, not counting the traffic chaos in the aronera town.
The Ciccp is a clear defender of the Port of Fonsalía as “the only alternative” to the Port of Los Cristianos. He defends that the current project is disproportionate and proposes a design based on the principle of sustainable development and limited “strictly” to the objective. In other words, significantly reduce the current project “without the fishing dock, the dock-dock for cruise ship docking or the sports dock, which makes the budget disproportionately expensive”, determines the College of Engineers.