La Laguna presents the Bono Comercio, a digital wallet to spend in businesses in the municipality

The Department of Commerce of the City Council of La Laguna today presented the Municipality’s Trade Bonus, an initiative that it is developing with the collaboration of the Federation of Urban Areas of the Canary Islands (FAUCA) and that will mean that consumers can purchase bonds of 30 euros paying only half and spending them in different purchases and places throughout the municipality.

The Area, led by María José Roca, opens tomorrow the deadline for the self-employed, SMEs and micro-enterprises of the town to join this initiative, aimed at commerce, restaurants, hotels and tourist accommodation, for which it will allocate almost 800,000 euros to subsidize these titles, which will mean final sales revenue for the sector of 1.6 million euros and all this within the strategy of reactivating a fundamental economic sector in La Laguna.

Roca presented this new initiative today together with the mayor of La Laguna, Luis Yeray Gutiérrez; the president of FAUCA, Abbas Moujir, and the president of the La Laguna Commercial Zone Association, Iván Pérez. To reach all the possible beneficiaries of this initiative, the City Council, together with the associations, has reinforced the communication campaign of the call with a public address system and door-to-door information, since the registration period for businesses that want to adhere to the campaign ends on the 27th of this month.

The mayor valued that “the commercial sector is and has always been fundamental for the generation of economy in the municipality and one of the fundamental pillars for the creation of jobs in our city. La Laguna currently has fewer unemployed people than before the pandemic, so we have to continue working so as not to take a step back on this road to recovery and contribute to generating an economy in all towns and neighborhoods ”.

“In addition to the direct aid to the sector in the last year and this initiative that we present today, I would like to make it clear to the merchants and hoteliers of the municipality that we are not going to leave them alone and that this Government Group will continue to carry out initiatives like this to recover the commercial activity that we had before March 2020 ”, stated Luis Yeray Gutiérrez.

María José Roca highlighted that “the La Laguna Trade Bonus wants to contribute to give a new impulse to the municipal commercial sector in the face of autumn, a period in which sales usually decline and which in La Laguna we want to stand up, in addition to with this initiative, with La Noche en Blanco and with a new brand strategy that will be presented soon ”.

Likewise, he pointed out the importance of this initiative to “support the sector in the process of recovering from the impact of the pandemic, a strategy of proven effectiveness as an incentive to local consumption and that, in the case of La Laguna, will include commerce and the hotel industry, to the restoration and tourist accommodation in any part of the municipality ”.

Three million in direct aid in one year

The Councilor for Trade, Tourism and Sustainable Mobility recalled that, to finance this Trade Bonus, we will allocate almost 800,000 euros more in subsidies to local commerce, an amount that means that we have invested, in just over a year, 3 million euros in aid direct to contribute to the reactivation of the sector ”.

Abbas Moujir also spoke in this regard, pointing out that La Laguna is “the municipality that invests the most money in the Islands to support the commerce and catering sector, which is one of the most important in the municipality in generating employment.” Moujir explained the details of this La Laguna Trade Voucher, which presents the novelty that it works like a digital wallet, since customers will not have to spend all of it on a single purchase or a single establishment.

The program has a single generic digital voucher valued at 30 euros, so that consumers who acquire them will pay only 15 euros, that is, half of the final cost of their consumption, which can be used in different establishments adhering to the program until all its value is exhausted. In addition, the vouchers will be accumulative at the time of purchase and will be compatible with possible discounts offered by the establishments.

“We are talking about savings that are also important for families, but which, in addition, become a claim to encourage local consumption, an opportunity to rediscover everything that local commerce has to offer, but with which we also want attract a new and potential clientele to the municipality in a period of high competitiveness ”, added Roca.

Maximum of 10 vouchers per person

To guarantee that the investment is distributed in the best possible way, each person (identifying himself with his ID) may purchase a maximum of 10 bonds and each business will also have a limitation on the maximum number of purchases by this method that it may manage. Now the registration period for participating companies begins, which will end at the end of the month, after which the vouchers can be purchased and all the participating establishments can be consulted on the web

The campaign will be valid until December 31 of this year and the purchase of the bonds can be made until the 30th of that same month or while stocks last. Once purchased, it will not be possible to return it and it must be consumed before the campaign deadline. In no case will cash be returned, neither in the purchase nor in the possible subsequent return of the product.

With the publication today in the Official Gazette of the Province, the call for the businesses that want to join the campaign to accept the exchange of the vouchers in their establishments is opened, which will end on the 27th of this month, which will be followed a promotional campaign for consumers to acquire and use the vouchers by redeeming them on their purchases at participating companies.

The establishments that want to participate must complete the registration form on the web and provide the documentation required by the platform. In addition, they must meet a series of requirements, which include being considered self-employed, micro-business or SME; Have an establishment open in the municipality, whose Economic Activities Tax corresponds to one of the epigraphs that can participate in the program and meet the requirements requested by the City Council itself.

The participating businesses and companies must register the vouchers through the platform, together with the ticket or invoice corresponding to the sale for their settlement. The City Council will proceed to verify that the establishment complies with the requirement of being up to date with tax obligations after which, within a maximum period of 20 days, FAUCA will pay the establishment the amount corresponding to the bonds presented up to that moment and by bank transfer. in the account number provided.

This program has, in addition to the support of FAUCA, the support of the General Directorate of Commerce and Consumption of the Government of the Canary Islands and the online platform Consume Canarias, promoted by the Ministry of Tourism, Industry and Commerce of the Government of the Canary Islands.

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