González Évora refers to the consequences of the Los Silos City Council’s refusal to sign the agreement for the regional wastewater sanitation system of Isla Baja, a conflict that forces the Cabildo de Tenerife to consider unsustainable alternatives, and a very high cost, for temporarily avoid discharges into the sea of untreated waters from Garachico. The Insular Water Council of Tenerife (Ciatf) estimates that 55 Cuba trucks will be needed each day to transfer the Villa and Puerto wastewater to a treatment plant in La Laguna. There are 4,869 people living in this municipality, to which the clients of various hotels, rural accommodation, cafeterias and restaurants are added every day. The daily cost of this caravan of trucks will be around 13,000 euros of public money.
«This circumstance, which for us is a third world solution to the problem of water treatment on our Island, is produced as a consequence of the lack of commitment of the island government with the fulfillment of the plenary agreements, as well as the need to implement in a way definitive efficient and effective water treatment systems “, stressed the PP spokesman.
«What the Cabildo has done on this issue», says González Évora, «has been to favor institutional confrontation, suspiciously with municipalities of the Baja Island, and more especially with Los Silos, which is not of their political color, in Instead of putting all the effort and resources into opting for natural or extensive purification, which is, by the way, the solution for which the majority was voted in the Plenary of this Council. In this sense, the popular advisor criticizes the position of the Cabildo, which «far from having a conciliatory position, executing the plenary agreement, prefer to adopt a belligerent position with other institutions, as has already happened with other municipalities, such as Arico or El Rosario ».
González Évora concludes, in a statement, that “it is not acceptable that the Cabildo opts as a solution to the problem of wastewater on the Baja Island to transport sewage by road. “From the Popular Party we will continue to demand that the Cabildo recover the island’s leadership and that it return to work to be on the path of being an administration allied with municipalism.”
While the Government of Los Silos (CC-PP) ponders the yes or no to the agreement, which would allow Garachico to use the regional submarine emissary of the Silense coast, the possibility that the Cabildo and the Garachican City Council have to spending a huge amount of money to move all the sewage by road.