The volcanic surveillance network of the National Geographic Institute (IGN) has located a total of 41 earthquakes in the last 24 hours in the area affected by the volcanic reactivation of Cumbre Vieja, a number lower than in the previous two days.
As reported by the IGN in a statement, six of the earthquakes have been felt by the population, the maximum intensity being in the epicentral zone III (EMS) in an earthquake that occurred at 1:14 p.m. yesterday of magnitude 3.5 ( mbLg).
Five of the earthquakes recorded are of a magnitude greater than 3.5 (mbLg). Most of the hypocenters are located 10-15 km deep, except for 4 of the earthquakes with hypocenters at depths greater than 35 km.
The mean amplitude of volcanic tremor remains stable in a medium range of values with respect to the observations measured during this eruption. No intensification pulses have been recorded in the last 24 hours.
The column height measured at 0730 hours was 3,000 meters, showing a slight descent of the eruptive cloud. Likewise, the island’s network of permanent GNSS stations shows a slight deflation in the vertical component of the stations near the eruptive centers.
The IGN continues to monitor the activity, strengthening the surveillance network, having reinforced its presence on the island, where the CAVE (Center for the Care and Surveillance of Eruption) has been established and works daily to collect samples of volcanic material for in situ and subsequent analysis. The IGN will continue to monitor the seismic activity that can be followed through the Earthquake Viewer in the Canary Islands.