The Cabildo de Tenerife has convened aid aimed at social entities to support employment projects, care for migrants and single-mother families, divided into three lines totaling 400.00 euros.
The period to request them begins this Tuesday and will be open for the next 20 business days.
The third vice-president and insular councilor of Social Action, Marián Franquet, explains in a note that “this support for social entities arises in response to the needs detected in three especially fragile groups, such as single women with dependent children and migrants in a situation of social exclusion or who are at risk of being so “.
In addition, he stresses, “we collaborate with those associations that work to improve the employability of people with disabilities, to a degree equal to or greater than 33 percent, to achieve their full social inclusion.”
Franquet points out that each project may benefit from a maximum of between 15,000 and 25,000 euros of public funding, as established for each line, which may be used for training activities, advisory services for inclusion in the labor market, assistance services social and legal assistance or advisory, guidance and support services for the reconciliation of personal, family and work life as a facilitating measure of insertion in the labor market.
For his part, the CEO of Citizen Participation and Diversity, Nauzet Gugliotta, points out that they work “in permanent contact with social entities and groups, listening to their demands and responding to the needs they pose.”
In the case of these grants, he continues, “we wanted to give additional support to especially vulnerable groups that, given the circumstances, need special attention, as the associations that work with these people have transmitted to us”.
The counselor adds that the deadline that entities have to execute their projects is wide, so that they can make the best use of the financing they are going to receive, hence it runs between January 1, 2021 and June 3, 2022.
Among the expenses that can be made with these subsidies are those of personnel necessary to carry out the projects, expenses for the proper development of activities (materials, protective equipment), travel costs and computer and communication tools, among others. .