Latest news on the La Palma volcano
The technical director of Pevolca, Miguel Ángel Morcuende, wanted to send a message of reassurance given the increase in seismic activity that has been registered since last night and has clarified that, in principle, no other new eruptive mouth has to appear as a consequence of that seismicity.
The volcanic eruption of La Palma, of which just two weeks since it began yesterday, has so far destroyed more than 400 hectares and has washed away more than 1,000 buildings, most of them homes, while the laundry main has already exceeded 1.2 kilometers wide.
At a press conference after a new Pevolca meeting, Miguel Ángel Morcuende indicated that the seismic activity has shifted to the places where the earthquakes were initially detected in the days before the volcano erupted, in the Cabeza de Vaca area.
In this regard, the Pevolca technical director pointed out that although seismicity has increased slightly, earthquakes “are occurring at deep levels of the crust, so we are not talking about surface seismicity or seismicity that could lead to other phenomena “.