On September 4, 2020, the decree of the Government of the Canary Islands 14/2020 was published by which the municipalities began to process the sanction proposals for non-compliance with the containment prevention measures against COVID-19, regardless of the body of security that imposed them. Since then, and until September 24 of this month, Santa Cruz de Tenerife has registered a total of 10,259 minutes, of which almost half, 4,825, have already been processed and 794 penalties have been charged. This is the summary of a year of sanctions in which the most numerous are those related to the non-use of the mask (1,808) and breaching the curfew while it was in force (820). Most of the acts for not wearing a mask were imposed between the months of September and December 2020, which account for almost 70% of the total. The number of this type of sanctioned infractions decreased in the following months, until registering only four in August and two in this month of September. Logical decline if one takes into account that since July it is not mandatory to wear a mask in outdoor spaces.
Regarding non-compliance with the curfew, the highest number of sanctions was imposed between January and March of this year (481), decreasing as this measure was also abolished in July.
The bottle becomes the third most sanctioned offense, with up to 805 records registered for this reason. Here, the consumption of alcohol on public roads has always been prohibited, so the number of minutes is uneven over the months. Between September and December 2020, up to 409 sanction proposals were raised, compared to 73 in the first quarter of this 2021. The figure grew again between April and June (93), reaching 152 minutes in July. The elimination of the curfew and the extension of the closing hours of the premises seems to have influenced the reduction of this type of infraction in the months of August (36) and September (42).
In this ranking of infractions, the fourth with the most minutes is the organization and promotion of unauthorized events (165), followed by non-compliance with security regulations (158), meetings of more people than authorized (126) and breaches of closing hours (100).
Regarding the sanctions imposed by the different State Security Corps and Forces, the National Police is the one that imposed the most acts with 53%, followed by the Local Police (41%), Civil Guard (5%) and Police Canaria (1%).
Therefore, the total number of minutes is estimated at 10,259 until September 24, of which about a dozen have been processed by the simplified abbreviated procedure. The rest, 4,825, have followed the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations, which represents 47% of the total number of minutes.
From the Public Services area, led by Guillermo Díaz Guerra, it is noted that the minutes are being processed in order of the date on which the complaint is issued from the entry into force of Decree Law 14/2020, regardless of the authority to issue it.
So far, 788 penalties have been collected through the common administrative procedure, while six have been collected through the simplified abbreviated procedure, so the total number of penalties collected is 794, 16% of the total processed. The amount of the sanctions range from 100 euros to 3,000 for minor offenses; from 3,001 to 60,000 of the serious ones; and from 60,001 to 600,000 of the very serious.
Prescription of one year, two or three depending on the severity
Public Services points out that the collection of sanctions is in the period of voluntary payment, with a proposal for a resolution, most of which is in the period of allegations, of which, up to now, 279 have been registered. of these penalties is one year for those of a mild nature, such as the use of a mask; two for the serious ones (large bottles of more than 10 people or the organization and promotion of events or any type of act that have not been authorized and in which there are more than 20 people and up to 200); and three years for offenses classified as very serious (repeat offenders).