all current restrictions, in detail

Tenerife is back in the Level 2 health alert from 00.00 this Friday, September 17. After the entry into force of the decree law of the Government of the Canary Islands that modified the COVID measures, these are the restrictions in force on the island, which was not at level 2 since last June.

Tenerife drops to alert level 2, Fuerteventura is maintained and nightlife hours are extended

Tenerife drops to alert level 2, Fuerteventura is maintained and nightlife hours are extended

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1. Capacity: the maximum capacity allowed in outdoor spaces will be 75% of what they have established and 50% in indoor spaces.

2. Groups of people: the permanence of groups of people both in spaces for public and private use, closed or outdoors, will be subject to the maximum number of 8 people not exceeding, except in the case of cohabitants. In the event that the group is made up of cohabitants and non-cohabitants, the maximum number of people indicated will not be exceeded. Cohabiting is understood to be those people who reside under the same roof.

3. Closing hours: in those establishments and activities that, prior to the pandemic, did not have a fixed closing time, or had a higher one, the maximum authorized closing time will be 2:00 am. However, this Thursday the Governing Council authorized to temporarily modify the closing hours in establishments of nightlife until 3:00 a.m. in level 2, provided that a COVID certificate is presented to access the premises. This measure will enter into force once it is published in the Official Gazette of the Canary Islands (BOC) and will be in force, in principle, until October 31.

4. Mass events. Its celebration and the maximum number of attendees will be adjusted to what is established in the health authorization and other circumstances provided for in article 13.

5. The health centers will modulate the limitations of capacity and groups of people so that there is no impairment in health care, maximizing preventive and hygiene measures.

6. A maximum of 30 people may participate in tour guide and active tourism activities.

7. The activity of nightlife establishments is allowed: discotheques, cocktail bars and karaoke bars, only for those hospitality activities, such as restaurants or bars, which are authorized by their municipal license, under the same conditions as the establishments that the have as a specific activity. Dancing is not allowed.

8. The persons responsible for nightlife establishments and activities will collect the information of the employees, users or participants for the traceability of contagions and contacts, in accordance with the provisions of article 5.2 of this Decree-Law. The information collected will include name and surname, ID, telephone number and date and time of the service. This record will be kept at the disposal of the health authorities for a month after the event. The information processing will be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the personal data protection regulations, with the sole purpose of monitoring, surveillance and epidemiological control of COVID-19.

9. Parties, festivals and other popular events may not be held.

10. Public shows: cultural, recreational, leisure and leisure activities, including sports, that take place sporadically and in places other than the establishments used for the regular exercise of said activity and, where appropriate, those held in removable or removable facilities. Open sky, which is not considered mass events, can only be held in outdoor spaces with a maximum capacity of 50% if food is not consumed, and 33% if food is consumed. The audience must remain seated.

11. Outdoor children’s and youth camps will have a maximum capacity of 75% in outdoor spaces with a maximum of 100 participants including the monitor. In the activities carried out in closed spaces, the maximum capacity will be 33% with a maximum of 30 people including the monitor.

12. In the discretionary public transport of travelers in tourist and rental vehicles with driver, with up to nine seats including the driver, it is allowed to occupy all the rear seats of the vehicle, as well as those offered in the row of seats of the driver , when the rear ones have been previously exhausted, except when the driver can be considered as a person at risk.

13. In regular public land, urban and metropolitan passenger transport, the capacity is reduced to 50%.

14. The sale or consumption of alcoholic beverages, individually or in groups, on public roads, parks or outdoor recreation areas will not be allowed.

15. Saunas can only be used individually or by people living together simultaneously, and must be cleaned and disinfected between successive uses.

16. The practice of federated sports, regional or insular, outdoors or enclosed spaces and non-federated sports in the open air is allowed, ensuring the maintenance of the interpersonal distance of 2 meters whenever possible, with mandatory use of the mask. The number of participants will be limited by the specific regulations of each sport. The public capacity will be 75% in open spaces and 50% in closed spaces.

17. Exceptionally, and for reasons of interest, the celebration of sporting events of an occasional, sporadic or unscheduled nature in the official calendars of the sports federations may be authorized, in accordance with the regime provided for in article 13 for mass events.

18. In Hospitals:

• Visits will be limited and must be supervised by center staff, and the established prevention measures will be taken to the extreme.

• In addition to the protection measures established by the Occupational Risk Prevention Services of each center, the use of FFP2-type masks and face shields is recommended by all personnel who have direct care with patients in these centers. , as well as reinforcing frequent ventilation in the facilities where workers and patients are located.

19. In cultural activity that is not considered mass events and takes place in closed cultural and artistic venues and establishments such as theaters, cinemas, music auditoriums, cultural centers, libraries, concert halls, exhibition halls, museums, halls of exhibitions or conferences or other facilities of a similar nature whose ordinary activity is cultural, the maximum capacity allowed will be 55% of that established.

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