The Cabildo de Tenerife allocates almost half a million euros to emptying the Buenavista landfill

The Sustainable Development and Fight against Climate Change Area has awarded a grant of 495,000 euros to the Buenavista del Norte City Council for the execution of the project to empty the El Fraile landfill, located in that municipality and which has been sealed since 1986.

Javier Rodríguez Medina underlines in a note that “the Cabildo collaborates and takes a step forward with the municipality of Buenavista del Norte to solve this problem and ensure that the coastal area is not degraded by the outcrop of waste from the old El Fraile landfill , fruit of the important affectation of the marine erosion “.

Thus, he points out that this financial aid from the island corporation to the council “represents 60% of the cost of project execution so that the corresponding emptying and environmental restoration of the affected area can be carried out.”

Along these lines, he comments that the Cabildo de Tenerife, the public administration competent in the management of island waste, “had to collaborate and cooperate in this project so important for the municipality, the region and the island”, highlighting that the discharges extracted under this intervention will be transferred to the Tenerife Environmental Complex.

Rodríguez Medina recalls that El Fraile was one of the many illegal landfills in Tenerife at the beginning of the 80s of the last century, “where waste management was an absolute nonsense and did not respond to a global strategy or to planning and everything was the result of improvisation “.

For this reason, he recalls that “thanks to the government of the socialist José Segura Clavell in the Cabildo an island waste strategy was established based on a first-level waste infrastructure, which is the current Tenerife Environmental Complex, located in Arico, supported by four transfer plants that are located in different parts of the island, and that promoted the closure and sealing of illegal landfills.

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