The nationalist spokesman, Carlos Alonso, notes that They cannot wait for the works to be included in the Airport Regulation Document 2027-2031 -as it emerged at the last minute of this Tuesday in a meeting of the airport manager with the president of the Cabildo, Pedro Martin– and you have to “join all forces to demand that it be built now”. “That is what we are looking for in the plenary session next Monday,” he adds in a note.
Alonso points out “Pedro Martín’s lack of delay in defending the construction of the terminal, since we requested the Plenary since mid-August and he could have convened it on that date, indeed, on August 22 I sent him a letter requesting a unanimous position. from all the social and economic sectors of the island and on September 8 we raised a proposal to all the political groups to reach an institutional agreement and defend the interests of Tenerife, we have done our job to defend the interests of the island. ”
Along these lines, he explains that the DORA 2022-2026 “It does not contemplate the construction of the new terminal, only the drafting of the project, if that is confirmed, we would have to wait for the period 2027-2031 to see if AENA builds it or not.”
For Alonso, “Tenerife cannot afford that luxury and less so when the South airport is one of the most profitable in Spain”.
In addition, the CC-PNC spokesperson points out that “there are sufficient funds for Aena to invest here, since it will not carry out the works at the El Prat airport, to which it was going to allocate 1,700 million euros, there is money, but what there is not is will on the part of Aena “.
For this reason, he hopes that there will be “strength and courage” on the part of the PSOE and Pedro Martín “to demand the construction.”
The Extraordinary Plenary session requested by CC-PNC on the construction of the new Tenerife South Airport terminal will be held on Monday from 12 noon.
“We hope to reach an agreement to defend our rights. We extend our hand once again, and we will support Pedro Martín if he demands that the terminal be built in the period 2022-2026,” he says.