For Isabel García, it was key that from the outset “all available media will be activated, including the five air media that acted until nightfall.” In his opinion, the intervention from the air was providential, “since it allowed us to prevent the fire from spreading and reaching the night hours with force. We act quickly and forcefully, with the help of the La Palma media. It was a good technical decision.
The head of Natural Environment Management on the island trusts that the researchers will be able to find the person or persons responsible for the start of the fire in Pinolere: «It is essential to tie them up because many homes have been put at risk, many properties and even the lives of many people. It is something very serious. We had to evict 15 families from their homes.
The island councilor underlines the risk posed by abandoned farms in these areas near the mountain, especially near houses: «I know that the City Council of La Orotava is concerned about trying to keep the areas near houses clean, but the owners do not always respond to these requirements. Also, it has been a rainy year and we have plenty of fuel. That does not facilitate the work at all.
The residents of the area place the start of the fire in an abandoned house, It was the only building affected, despite the risk experienced by many homes in the area and the Ethnographic Park of Pinolere. There is a surveillance device in the area and, in addition, citizen collaboration has been requested to try to prevent new attempts to occur in the middle of the city.
They demand an urgent side
Assembly for La Orotava considers it urgent that a Municipal Bando be issued recalling the obligation to keep farms free of weeds and, in addition, proposes a 75% reduction in municipal rates to those who maintain their lands well cared for. “We have been insisting for years that the Villero town hall Issue a municipal bill that reminds landowners to keep the land clean and in order. This is required by law, “they assure from the municipal formation, and add:” Whatever the nature of the fires, provoked or fortuitous, the probabilities of fires being generated are very low, as there is much less combustible material.