“It is expensive and unsustainable” and threatens the marine fauna of the area

Nueva Canarias (NC) has ratified this Saturday its rejection of the port of Fonsalía, whose constriction is planned on the southwest coast of Tenerife, estimating that this project, with an expired impact declaration and that it dedicates 80% of its surface to ships of Recreation and shops, it does not solve the traffic jams between the port of Los Cristianos and the TF-1.

Government of the Canary Islands and Cabildo de Tenerife agree to analyze the viability of the port of Fonsalía and possible alternatives to the project

Government of the Canary Islands and Cabildo de Tenerife agree to analyze the viability of the port of Fonsalía and possible alternatives to the project

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This has been agreed by the NC National Executive after learning of a report on this initiative prepared by its organization in Tenerife, which concludes that Fonsalía is an “expensive and unsustainable” infrastructure, which would also attack the marine fauna that inhabits and passes through the place where it has been projected and that does not respond to the demands of Tenerife’s civil society.

This was explained at a press conference by Valentín Correa, from the party’s leadership on that island. He also stressed that during the 25 years of bureaucratic history of this project “it has never received the congratulations of any administration because it was born flawed.”

For NC, one of the solutions to study to reduce the traffic jams that occur around Los Cristianos would be to bury the TF-1 and connect it with that port, in addition to making use of the accesses to the port of Granadilla, “which are unused. “, has emphasized its former mayor and current general director of Institutional Relations of the Canarian Government, Carmen Nieves Gaspar, who is also part of the management of NC in Tenerife.

Gaspar has considered that what is behind the port of Fonsalía “is a question of model, of deciding what future we want for the Canary Islands”.

The Tenerife leader of NC has stressed that the traffic congestion that is registered in the surroundings of Los Cristianos requires quick solutions based on the existing infrastructures, instead of options that imply “continuing to destroy the island” and favoring “balls that they go against the social majority. ”

For Gaspar, “Fonsalía is the port of lies”, as it was, in its day, that of Granadilla, which was raised, he has said, as the only possible alternative to the impossibility of expanding that of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, as later It has been done.

The former councilor of Granadilla and the president of NC, Román Rodríguez, have welcomed the fact that the Canary Islands Coalition is rethinking its support for this new port because they consider that “the same mistakes of the past cannot continue to be made, which, moreover, do not respond to the general interest “.

On this issue of Fonsalía, Román Rodríguez has specified that “it was left out” of the progress government pact supported by the PSOE, its political formation, Podemos and ASG, at the same time that he has predicted that this project will not see the light of day.

This same Friday, the Tenerife Council and the Canary Islands Government announced that will commission a macro-study of the feasibility of the project from a socio-economic, environmental, connectivity and territorial point of view to make, based on it, a decision on the port.

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