The Ministry of Finance, Budgets and European Affairs of the Government of the Canary Islands has authorized a temporary employment program of the Ministry of Social Rights, Equality, Diversity and Youth that will allow the hiring of 115 workers for three years to develop tasks related to social services .
The Canarian vice president and councilor of the area, Román Rodríguez, explained this Thursday that the program, endowed with 9.4 million euros in three years, will contribute to the fulfillment of the Government’s objectives in terms of Social Rights in matters as sensitive as poverty or social inclusion.
The program will be developed between November 1, 2021 and December 31, 2023, so that this year 610,000 euros will be allocated and each of the following two years 4.4 million.
Rodríguez highlighted the effort that the Ministry of Finance has been making to collect financial resources that allow the improvement of social services, in coordination with the competent department in this matter, especially at a time when the resulting economic, health and social crisis Covid-19 has intensified pressure on the system.
In this sense, the vice president recalled that these workers will join another 101 that the Treasury already authorized last year – and extended in 2021 – for dependency.
“In recent years we have empowered the hiring of 216 workers to manage the affairs of the Department of Social Rights, which is also making a great effort, with which we hope to provide an increasingly effective response to the needs of citizenship, “added Rodríguez.
Specifically, the program will make it possible to act in the fight against poverty and social inclusion; in the development of the Canary Islands Childhood, Adolescence and Family Strategy, or in the improvement of the information and attention system for citizens, among other aspects.
The 115 workers will be distributed as follows: 16 general administrators; 5 psychologists; 2 pedagogues; 8 general managers; 15 social workers; 46 administrative and 23 auxiliary.