The Cabildo de Tenerife has already opened the deadline for submitting applications for scholarships and study aids corresponding to the academic year 2021-2022, whose completion period will be specific for each of the scholarship modalities, as has been published in the Bulletin Official of the Province (BOP).
The total amount that is allocated to the calls for scholarships and study aid is 8,177,619.16 euros, which may be increased depending on budget availability during the year 2022.
Specifically, the deadline for requesting general scholarships for university studies, artistic studies, vocational training studies and those for students with special educational needs is in force.
The Minister of Education and Youth, Concepción Rivero, details in a note that “the maximum amounts range from 1,200 euros for students with special educational needs to 6,500 euros for university students, artistic studies and Vocational Training”, and adds that “the Cabildo, with these scholarships, has the main objective of preventing young people from abandoning their studies due to lack of economic resources in their families.”
It also comments that the budget for this purpose may be increased in the budget for 2022, “if necessary.”
In this course, as a novelty, the processing of scholarships for university studies is simplified and is carried out exclusively by telematic means, through the electronic headquarters of the Cabildo de Tenerife.
The remaining lines can be requested both electronically and on paper by entry registration.
The insular director of Education and Youth, Isabel Bello, points out that the corporation “will try to help as many families as possible and make payments as quickly as possible, so that, in the shortest time, they will have the subsidy” .
The highest amount will be allocated this year to university study scholarships, with a total of 3,375,000 euros, followed by those for students with special educational needs, in which the Cabildo invests 1,132,369.16 euros.
The scholarships for artistic studies and those for Vocational Training studies are endowed with 160,000 and 196,000 euros, respectively. The remainder will be to finance scholarships related to language immersion programs.
The scholarships for students with special needs, whose deadline for submitting applications will end on January 31, 2022, provide a maximum amount per person of 1,200 euros and are aimed at people between the ages of two and 20.
Aid for people studying artistic studies, including training internships or Erasmus + outside the island, has a maximum amount of 6,500 euros and the deadline for submitting applications will be open until November 10.
In the case of scholarships for university studies, be they general, undergraduate, master’s, doctorate, those that complement the Erasmus program and those of aid to transport outside the island, they will be for studies that are carried out entirely in person and Applicants will have until November 10 to submit them.
Likewise, the deadline for applying for scholarships for Vocational Training studies, including training internships and a complement to the Erasmus + program, will end on November 10 and the maximum amount will be 6,500 euros.
In general, the requirements for obtaining the aid are the following: habitual residence in Tenerife, family income per person not exceeding 20,000 euros (10,000 in the case of students with special educational needs), enrollment for a number of credits or subjects equivalent to a full course.