The regions with the most funds are Extremadura, Andalusia, Castilla La Mancha, Murcia, the Canary Islands and Melilla
The Biodiversity Foundation, of the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, has launched a call to support training and job placement projects, aimed at unemployed people, that promote green employment, which is endowed with 9.4 million euros .
With these grants, framed in the Emploaverde Program, co-financed by the European Social Fund (ESF), the aim is to promote job creation and improve the employability of people, especially those with greater difficulties in accessing the labor market, so that they acquire skills and improve their employability through the acquisition of professional experience.
The purpose of the call is to launch projects that include actions for “training, counseling and social innovation aimed at unemployed people and supporting their job placement”, according to its bases.
The aid will be channeled through two lines, the ‘Crea Line’, which includes training actions for the acquisition of skills with the aim of improving employability, as well as actions in which unemployed people will receive support aimed at finding employment, and the ‘Innova Line’, for projects that experiment and test innovative solutions aimed at improving people’s employability and facilitating job creation.
Public or private legal entities, with or without profit motive based in Spain, such as city councils, NGOs, training centers, job placement centers, among others, can apply for these aids. The amount of the projects can range between 100,000 and 500,000 euros, and the co-financing can reach up to 90%. The duration of the projects will be nine months, with an additional one for an extension.
For the granting of aid, it will be assessed, among other criteria, that the actions cover priority social groups (women, young people up to 35 years of age, over 45, immigrants, people with disabilities and residents in protected areas and / or rural areas) . The application period is open until September 30.
Taking into account the geographical distribution of the budget established by the Administrative Unit of the European Social Fund (UAFSE), Extremadura, the region considered less developed, will receive 1,088,270 euros; the regions classified as in transition, Andalusia, the Canary Islands, Castilla-La Mancha, Melilla and Murcia, will be distributed 6,208,640 euros; the most developed with category B, Asturias, Ceuta and Galicia, will have a total of 1,085,740 euros, and the most developed with category A, Aragon, Balearic Islands, Cantabria, Castilla y León, Catalonia, Valencia Community, Madrid, Navarra La Rioja and the Basque Country correspond to 1,023,760 euros.
“The creation of green and blue jobs represents an opportunity to contribute to the conservation and recovery of ecosystems,” said Victoria Pérez, coordinator of the Emploaverde Program at the Biodiversity Foundation.
Thus, with this type of aid “the sustainability of economic activities in all sectors is promoted, as an opportunity to contribute to overcoming the challenges of the crisis generated by Covid-19 and promoting the just transition towards a low-carbon economy. and circular, integrating biodiversity in management and business processes and making more efficient use of natural resources, constituting an engine of sustainable economic growth and social progress “, he detailed.
“Thanks to this program, we promote the green economy and employment, the hiring of unemployed people and education and training, all of which are key to addressing this change in the economic model, since it represents an important niche of opportunity to contribute to the conservation and recovery of ecosystems, “he added.
During the 2014-2023 programming period, the Emploaverde Program will manage 47 million euros to support unemployed people, workers and entrepreneurs, and its objectives are to facilitate the incorporation into the labor market of more than 4,000 people; support more than 3,000 entrepreneurs to create and improve their business; qualify 20,000 people and help more than 8,000 working people to improve their employment situation.
Currently, within the framework of the Emploaverde Program, there is another call open to help hiring unemployed people in the field of the green economy, endowed with 5 million euros, and which includes aid of between 1,900 euros and 3,440 euros for companies or Self-employed people linked to the sustainable economy who hire unemployed people full-time for a minimum of six months. The application period is also open until September 30.
In addition, another call for 400,000 euros has recently been closed for projects that launch training actions, advice, meetings and training stays aimed at entrepreneurs, both workers and unemployed people who want to create a company.
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