More than 600 signatures are those that the Association of Neighbors El Pescador, of San Andrés, has collected among the inhabitants of the fishing village with the aim of demanding decent health care. The association registered yesterday, in the Ministry of Health, a letter, accompanied by the 600 signatures, in which they demand that the town’s health center be provided with the necessary means for proper health care. They detail from the association that, despite being the town with the largest number of inhabitants in Anaga, it does not have enough staff to serve that population. They demand an improvement in the facilities to avoid that “our neighbors remain hours in the open while waiting for the doctors to return from their home visits.”
They also point to the need to have a pediatrician on the afternoon shift. As an example of this need, they present the case of a mother who went to the health center with her daughter, who had a pain in her stomach, but who was not treated because the doctor had gone to a home visit. They sent her home until the doctor returned. “This is just one example of so many others” they point out.
In his letter, El Pescador demands “the immediate solution” to the detailed problems. If their claims are not addressed, the association does not rule out other types of pressure measures such as a demonstration to obtain dignified health care, “people are tired of the treatment they have received, with situations that are not in keeping with current times,” they conclude. .