Until next September 11, the events included in the program of the fFestivities in honor of Our Lady of Abona. The Department of Culture and Festivities configures an edition adapted to the evolution of the pandemic. Damián Rodríguez Álvarez is the author of the poster, a work that reflects “faith, hope and joy.” The same as in this work «we find, as the main axis, the Virgin of Abona who with her gaze cares for and protects us. Secondly, there is the tower of the San Juan Bautista Church, an identifying monument of Villa de Arico and, finally, the elements that give us hope and joy: the colored flags, the borders and the fireworks ».
During the weekend, social networks served to broadcast the documentary XXIX Antorcha for the unity of Arico and solidarity among its people. That week, on Friday the Church of San Juan Bautista will host, at 7:30 p.m., the concert of the Anglo-Canarian tenor Agustín Prunell-Friend. On Saturday, the group Son 21 will offer its concert Al Son del 21, starting at 9:00 p.m. and on Calle Benítez de Lugo. On Sunday, on the same road, the little ones will witness the children’s musical The Queen of Fantasy (6:00 p.m.). The last two acts will have reduced and controlled capacity and require the purchase of tickets.