The president of the Cabildo de La Gomera, Casimiro Curbelo, insisted yesterday that «The only solution to the collapse of the Port of Los Cristianos is to give a determined boost to construction from the Port of Fonsalía ». The also spokesman for the Parliamentary Group Agrupación Socialista Gomera (ASG) claims “common sense”, in addition to “determining whether or not the environmental impact report is expired and materialize the solution.” For this reason, it does not share the “commitment” to delay a matter of vital interest to Tenerife, El Hierro, La Gomera and La Palma.
The solution to the situation of the Port of Los Cristianos “does not involve diverting the port traffic to the Port of Granadilla or that of Santa Cruz de Tenerife.” Curbelo maintains its rejection of such a proposal after stating that shipping companies have already expressed the technical and operational problems encountered by the type of ships used between the Islands to operate in Granadilla.
Casimiro Curbelo values as «evident» that the Port of Granadilla “is not the solution, no matter how hard they strive on this road.” He explains that in that port area “there would be difficulties for the docking of the ships that currently operate with the Western Islands, in addition to the fact that this space is designed for industrial and non-commercial use.” Less chance gives the Port of Santa Cruz de Tenerife as an alternative to the chaos of Los Cristianos. The president of the Cabildo de La Gomera is blunt with this approach: “It would be a real madness to go back forty years.”
With respect to Port of Los Cristianos, recalled that the Port Authority of Santa Cruz de Tenerife it has already warned of the limitations suffered by the enclosure, “which is above the limits of its capacity and operability in its two berthing lines.” In this sense, he rejected any expansion of said port, which he assures that “it is within the Special Conservation Zone of the marine strip between Teno and Rasca.” At the same time, he described the solutions proposed for the connection between this enclave and the highway as “complex”. He also recalled that the Fonsalía file began its formal process more than 20 years ago