After the purchase of the first device, the City Council announces the creation of U-Dron Los Realejos, the drone unit of the Local Police. The device has an RTK module, “a pioneer among the police of Tenerife”, whose precision gives it a usefulness suitable for use by the Municipal Planning Department. Among the technical data, it stands out that in addition to being equipped with a high-resolution camera, it has a focus and a speaker to issue warnings and signals, it weighs 900 grams, it can reach a maximum distance of 8 kilometers and its flight autonomy is half an hour. .
The Councilor for Security and Emergencies, Carolina Toste, together with the director of the area, José Marrón; the mayor of Urbanism and New Technologies, Laura Lima; the chief deputy commissioner and the local police officer, Isaías Orihuela and Leonelo García, respectively; the Urban Planning Management technician, Hermógenes García, and the collaborating agent of the Arona Local Police José Andrés Correa, witnessed the test flight of the device at Los Príncipes Stadium.
Toste explains that it is an improvement in the staff derived from more demand from the agents. Lima the benefits provided by the drone in terms of safety, prevention and emergency care, as well as for urban technical inspections on the state of slopes and walls, determine property limits and possible urban infractions, among other issues.
Marrón, director of Security and Emergencies, alluded to the important role that this apparatus will have “when making decisions to address an incident or emergency situation and improve the efficiency of the service” that is provided in the steep areas of the municipal orography. Meanwhile, Orihuela, the chief deputy commissioner of the Local Police, values that it favors the search for people or objects and that it improves surveillance tasks, as well as monitoring of traffic and circulation and security in the event of large public events, among multiple other issues.