A group of opponents of the firefighter –more than 20– of the Tenerife Fire Extinction and Rescue Consortium has presented an appeal for being considered “injured” by what they understand as an “irregularity” at the end of the selection process to fill ten places of civil servant and forty destined to a reserve bag. The argument is that “the Court has not assessed the evidence as established in the bases” and that “this change in criteria at the end of the process has changed the order in the lists.” This is the last administrative possibility before the judicial process.
This group values: «The bases of this contest determine two exercises after passing the psychological one; the second, after the theoretical one, made up of several tests ». The final score is calculated, “in blocks, as repeatedly recalled by members of the court with statements such as do not risk in the physical ones that are worth almost nothing, the important thing was the theoretical one.” They insist: “According to the eighth base, the theory is worth 50% and the other 50% is divided between three tests: physical fitness, professional skills and driving.”
The story continues: «The surprise comes when the Consortium publishes the final grades on July 20. There they discover that «they have carried out a completely different calculation from the scale described in the bases because they give the same value to each of the three tests that make up the practical exercise separately, as to the theoretical one, 25% each. That is worth the three tests when the bases make it clear that all together they account for 50%.
This way of scoring means that “opponents in a fixed position stay out and others in the bag lose any chance of being a firefighter.” They value: “In exchange, of course, for a number of beneficiaries who have magically climbed up dozens of positions to get there.” These sources emphasize: “The court went from speaking openly and reiterating how the opposition to a suspicious occultism was measured at the end.”
The group of opponents points out: «We sent emails and called the Consortium in April and May to make sure of their calculations without obtaining a response beyond the court that will decide at the end how to score … As if the rules of the game were not specified from the beginning in the bases”.
An assessment: “It is enough to see the final list (64) to verify that everyone has practically a ten in the tests”, In addition, “they have given a definitive list when it must be provisional to be able to argue.” These sources emphasize: “The call was aimed largely at completing the staff of the future Güímar Park whose work is paralyzed by structural problems.” A reflection: “There are several planned casualties in the firefighters staff this year. We want to know how they are going with those who are not among the chosen ones.”
These opponents recall that “it is not the first time that irregularities have been committed in the Consortium’s selection processes.” They argue: “In 2001, the theoretical exam was lost and had to be repeated.” Then, “the 2016 contest led to complaints and legal proceedings that have resulted in a sentence last July that requires the reinstatement of four excluded opponents and in some cases to pay compensation and arrears for many euros.” And they conclude: «It is enough to review the internal promotion process for 29 places that ended on July 23rd to see how they also skip the system of scale of the bases. In the seventh, a 40% weight is specified for the theoretical and 60% for the practical test. In the final marks, the court makes an arithmetic mean and the weighted scale is skipped ”.
There are doubts about the interpretation of the physical exercise that consists of seven tests. The court understands that you have to do an average of seven. Now we will decide on the appeal with what the court alleges. We are in that process ”. The appeal is directed by law to the Consortium and not to the Court.
The Consortium decides “in a few days”
Rubén Fernández, insular director of Security, highlights: «Last August 20 the deadline to present appeals was fulfilled (the law now establishes three months to answer). From the Consortium we are going to analyze them and soon, in about fifteen days, we will decide. It seems that there is some interpretive doubt about this selection process ”. It clarifies that “the Court is sovereign, meets, draws up the minutes and establishes how it should be scored according to the bases.” Clarifies «
The current opposition to the Firefighters Consortium is almost three years old since they were called. The pandemic has delayed the process and now the 64 survivors do not know, regardless of resources, if the list is final. There have been two ties in the grade and a test must be repeated to tie the tie. The theoretical test. | JDM