Likewise, taking into account the data released by Health, in the last two weeks the accumulated incidence in the last seven days has been reduced by more than half, since it has gone from being 236.68 cases per 100,000 inhabitants to 105 , 88 frames that were encrypted this Thursday.
In addition, the document prepared by the health authority shows that between August 11 and 17, 2,460 infections were reported in the autonomous community, which translates into a 37% decrease in the daily average of cases with respect to The last week. In all the islands – except in Lanzarote, which has remained stable – the curve has shown this behavior.
89.4% Delta Variant
- According to estimates by the General Directorate of Public Health, the Delta variant is already present in the Canary Islands in 89.4% of infections, while the Alpha represents 0.2%
Regarding the accumulated seven days view among the population over 65 years of age, the Ministry reported that there has also been a decrease compared to last week both in the whole Archipelago and in each of the islands, although in Lanzarote it has experienced an increase. However, in the last two days it has decreased. It should be noted that, despite the general decline, in Tenerife the rate is still at a very high risk level; in Gran Canaria at high risk; in Fuerteventura at medium risk; and in the rest of the territories at low or very low risk.
Regarding the circulation of the new variants, Public Health estimates that 89.4% corresponds to the Delta (B.1.617.2); 0.4% to Alpha (B.1.1.7); and 0.2% to Beta (B.1.351) / Gamma (P1).
It must be said that the occupancy level of acute care beds by patients with Covid in the region has decreased, since it has gone from an average of 339 to 291. The percentage of occupancy is at low or very low risk on all the islands except Tenerife.
Older patients
In the last 15 days, the average age of patients with coronavirus who are admitted has increased. In fact, the average of those who remain in the plant is 62 years and that of those who are in intensive care in 57. It should be noted that 24% of those admitted to critical care in this period are between 12 and 39 years old.
64% of the 253 people admitted to conventional beds in the last two weeks are without immunization, a figure that rises to 81% in the case of those who require intensive care.
In the last day, the Canary Islands recorded 340 new infections by SARS-CoV-2 and four deaths linked to the coronavirus. The deceased, two men aged 68 and 47 and a woman aged 70 in Tenerife, and another woman aged 75 in Gran Canaria, suffered from previous illnesses and remained hospitalized.
By islands, Tenerife added 123 infections; Gran Canaria 154; Lanzarote 22; Fuerteventura 32; La Palma seven; and El Hierro two. La Gomera, on the other hand, did not find new cases.
Right now, there are 14,940 active cases on the Islands, which is the lowest number since August 4, when there were 14,893. Most are in Tenerife, which has 8,696 Covid sufferers. Gran Canaria follows, with 5,716; Fuerteventura, with 272; Lanzarote, with 196; La Palma, with 41; La Gomera, with 10; and El Hierro, with seven.