The dust caused by the crusher used in the processing of the arid of the Insular Ring continues to affect the population of the urban area of Santiago del Teide. This contamination is recorded from mid-afternoon, once the daily activity of the nuclei linked to administrative management ends. In fact, the mayor of the municipality, Emilio Navarro, yesterday showed his concern that this situation continues and announced the willingness “to go beyond political mediation.”
Yesterday, the Canary Islands Coalition once again called attention to the fact that “the situation remains the same, affecting the residents of the municipality, neighbors and merchants, since the work has not stopped, which means that there is still a lot of suspended dust , which is generating serious inconveniences, in addition to a complicated situation for the population with respiratory problems.
The nationalist municipal spokesman, Jonathan Martín Fumero, assures that the continuous presence of dust from the processing of aggregates, together with the heat and high temperatures «is causing an unbearable situation for the population of the town, some with respiratory problems, who see with concern as the situation, far from improving, worsens ».
The nationalist mayor maintains that the Insular Ring is a “necessary” infrastructure for Santiago del Teide and for the island of Tenerife, “but the processing of aggregates cannot be developed so close to the residential area.” The development of the works “can and should go hand in hand with the well-being and health of our neighbors.” For this reason, from CC they have demanded the local government “to take immediate measures to solve this situation.”
Fumero details that his political group acted once it noticed the first problems with dust “and the failure to comply with the schedule of the noises near the houses, contravening the municipal ordinances.” For this reason, CC wrote a letter to the General Directorate of Road Infrastructure of the Government of the Canary Islands (June 11, 2020) “without receiving any response.” The continuity of the problem led to another complaint from local nationalists to the General Directorate of Public Health.
Canary Coalition in Santiago del Teide is demanding with “the change of location of this aggregate processing infrastructure to another place, where it does not harm the health of neighbors and where it complies with municipal ordinances.”