Canarian Coalition-PNC has urged the central government to reinforce the means of extinguishing fires in the Canary Islands, since it understands that they are “fundamental” to prevent the spread and advance of the flames in the initial hours because “on many occasions” the resources “They depend on transfers from the Peninsula.”
In addition, they indicate in a statement, the central government must comply with what was “agreed ten months ago in the Senate” and reinforce “once and for all the resources for extinguishing fires on the islands.”
CC, which has recognized the work that professionals are doing in the fire declared this Tuesday in El Paso, on the island of La Palma, has asked the President of the Government of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, to comply with the motion approved in October of last year in the Senate to establish in the Canary Islands the Sixth Battalion of Emergency Intervention of the Military Emergency Unit (BIEM VI), a permanent base for a Kamov helicopter and a semi-permanent base, in the summer months, for a seaplane of the Air Force.
The senator for the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands, Fernando Clavijo, has considered it necessary “to arm the islands with material and human resources capable of giving a quick and effective response” to forest fires, since it is “one of the environmental problems” to the ones to face.
For Clavijo the “very serious” fire that occurred in Gran Canaria a year ago and that devastated more than 10,000 hectares should have “served not only to provide more resources in the fight against fire in a permanent and semi-permanent way, but also to establish preventive and improve “the protocols in response times by incorporating” extraordinary “means in the archipelago.
Likewise, Clavijo has criticized that despite being facing one of the summers with the highest temperatures, “a consequence of climate change, with the added problem of desertification, the abandonment of crops and agricultural areas”, the PSOE “has not moved not a finger to establish a base “that allows giving an” immediate “response to forest fires, as well as reducing the risks and consequences of fire, in addition to establishing study mechanisms to deepen prevention and promote the activities included in the primary sector to contribute to the recovery of abandoned agricultural areas.