The Cabildo de Tenerife has begun this Tuesday the placement of the first blocks of the total of 500 that are planned to be installed in the construction process of the Bajamar dike, whose main works will be completed by the end of the year. The island president, Pedro Martín, informs that the works are going according to the scheduled calendar, and that this first batch of blocks will be placed for the repair of the jetty can be carried out safely.
Pedro Martín, who has visited the works accompanied by the mayor of La Laguna, Luis Yeray Gutiérrez, and the island councilor for Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, Javier Parrilla, indicates that “the first concrete blocks are being installed, of which in at the moment there are a total of 250 collected, for a very necessary work, awaited for a long time, which we see today is finally a reality. This August and September will be very good for us because the sea allows us to work. That is why it is necessary, despite the fact that it could be a nuisance, to take advantage of this month of August to start the work and to be able to guarantee that by the end of the year we will have the work practically on track ”.
The mayor points out that “after ten years of waiting, we have been in contact with the residents of the area for a long time to be able to recover this environment, an emblematic place, of the jewels that the municipality has, which had been abandoned for a long time. Today is a day of immense happiness, a day to mark in red on the calendar, and it is the result of understanding between the administrations, which makes it possible for this type of large-scale work to be carried out ”.
“We have held meetings with the neighbors, who have not only understood it, but we have also put into practice what they have demanded of us, that the car parks be maintained; that there are no roadblocks at certain times, especially on weekends, when there are more crowds of users; that the environment is left in the best conditions once the work is finished and that is also because they are very involved ”, he explains.
The president of the Cabildo recalls that, in compliance with the commitment, the tender for these works was declared urgent in order to start the works as soon as possible, which were awarded to the Satocan company for an amount of 2,013,798 euros. The forecast is that the beach will remain closed while the works are being carried out and that the pools will continue to be open following the established COVID-19 prevention protocols.