For the second consecutive year, the acts on the occasion of the popular festival in honor of the Patron Saint of the Canary Islands, the Virgin of Candelaria, are not in person, except for the central mass (12 noon) on August 15. Today the proclamation will be announced, which stars the artist and Canary Islands Fine Arts Award winner Pepe Dámaso. A proclamation that has already been recorded and that will reach all Canaries through television and radio.
At 10:00 pm it will be broadcast by Televisión Canaria and by the municipal station Candelaria Radio (99.1 FM). “The media are our allies, one more year, to make a pilgrimage with the heart and enjoy an emotional proclamation that will feature artists of recognized prestige in the musical field,” says the mayor of Villa Mariana, María Concepción Brito. It refers to the participation in the act of reading the proclamation of this very unique festival by Fabiola Socas and Ayatimas Brito, with the collaboration of Ayla Rodríguez and Zaida Almeida.
The councilor explained that, “in order to bring La Morenita closer to the homes of all Canaries, because this year we must continue to be prudent and avoid crowds due to the health crisis, we raised the proclamation in television and radio format” . It has the journalist Laura Afonso as presenter and “with this musical illustration originally created for this act, where different female voices from Tenerife, La Palma and Fuerteventura come together to honor the Virgin of Candelaria”, as the patron saint of the entire Archipelago .
Damaso’s relationship with Candelaria is fertile, since in 2004, accentuating his faith in the Virgin, he created a collection to symbolize the pilgrims.
Today is the day of «Radio from Candelaria». Nine stations will broadcast live programs from the municipality. Programming that will cover from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.