La Laguna begins the repair of the last section of Herradores street

The Department of Works, Infrastructures and Accessibility of the City Council of La Laguna will begin this week the repair of the last section of Herradores Street, between Trinidad Avenue and San Cristóbal Square, in order to later reactivate road traffic. With a budget of 36,001.40 euros and an estimated execution period of three weeks, this intervention will focus on the restoration of the pavement at this point, since the state in which it is located, especially at the height of Heraclio Sánchez, has forced to cut the circulation due to the risk that it entails for the citizenship, has informed the Consistory in a communiqué.

The mayor, Luis Yeray Gutiérrez, emphasizes that this action “will offer maximum security to people who move on foot or by car on this road, which is highly trafficked because it is in the heart of the city and in one of the main commercial areas. Township. With its reopening, we will considerably improve the flow of traffic in the Casco, as it connects with such important road arteries as Avenida Trinidad, ensuring proper coexistence with the large number of pedestrians moving through that environment, “he adds.

Along the same lines, the councilor responsible for the area, Josimar Hernández, indicates that, “as soon as the work is completed, the passage of vehicles will be reestablished with all the security guarantees, so that the logistics companies and the shops of the The area will recover the loading and unloading spaces and circulation in this area will be improved ”.

As he explains, “the urgency of these works is due to the sinking of the cobblestones of the current pavement, which has led us to cut off traffic on the last section of the street due to the insecurity it causes for pedestrians and drivers.” With its execution, the mayor adds that “the agreement adopted by the municipal plenary session in the past month of July to solve this problem is fulfilled”, a matter in which “the Department had already been working intensively to speed up its hiring” , has assured.

After formalizing its award, the forecast is that the intervention will start at the end of this week, while the project to adapt the stone pavement on Herradores street is being drafted. The work will consist of the removal of the sunken cobblestones and the laying of asphalt soil, in order to then be able to reactivate the circulation, restricted exclusively to vehicle limits of 3,500 kilos, and put the stops into service.

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